
Asynchronous Programming

Introduction to Asynchronous programming in Rust

This post answers frequently asked questions about the Rust programming language. It neither serves as a comprehensive manual for the language nor as a tool for teaching the language.


Rust Closure

A closure is a programming construct that allows a function to capture and reference variables and parameters from its surrounding lexical scope. Closures offer many benefits and are a key part of the language's expressive and flexible features.


Basics of Rust Concurrency

Rust's ownership and borrowing features prevent us from experiencing memory-related problems. Rust is a great choice when performance matters and it solves pain points that bother many other languages.


ownership borrowing

Rust’s Ownership and Borrowing Enforce Memory Safety

Rust's ownership and borrowing features prevent us from experiencing memory-related problems. Rust is a great choice when performance matters and it solves pain points that bother many other languages.


Introduction to gRPC

gRPC is an open-source, high-performance RPC framework that can run in any environment. gRPC builds on HTTP/2 protocol and the protobuf message-encoding protocol to provide high performance, low-bandwidth communication between applications and services.


Installing Rust

Rust is a great choice when performance matters and it solves pain points that bother many other languages. For the eighth year in a row, Rust has topped the chart as “the most desired programming language" in Stack Overflow’s annual developer survey, implying that many people who have had the...

rust basics

Organizing code through packages, crates, and modules in Rust

As we write larger programs with more code, it will become increasingly essential to organize our code. By grouping related functionality, we will make it easier to locate the code that implements a specific feature and to modify its functionality. As our project expands, it's high time to organize our...

web server


Introduction to Webhook

A webhook is a method that enables one application to send data with another application in real-time when specific events occur. It enables different software systems to communicate with one another by sending data or alerts instantly when a specific event happens. Webhooks are used by a wide variety of...