
Rust Closure

Senthil Nayagan
Senthil Nayagan           

A closure is a programming construct that allows a function to capture and reference variables and parameters from its surrounding lexical scope. Closures offer many benefits and are a key part of the language's expressive and flexible features.
Rust Closure

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In programming, a closure is a type of function that has the ability to access and manipulate (modify) variables and parameters that are defined outside its own scope. Closures are also known as lexical closures or function closures. In other words, closure allows a function to capture and reference variables from its surrounding lexical scope1, even after that scope has finished executing. Closures are also referred to as anonymous functions or lambda functions in some programming languages, including Rust. This closure, or anonymous function, is defined without a name.

Rust Closure

A closure in Rust usually consists of an argument list, given between vertical bars, followed by an expression:

// Define a closure with a single argument. Rust infers the arguument and return types.
let is_even = |x| x % 2 == 0;

// Define a closure with two integer parameters. Types are explicitly annoted here.
let add_numbers = |x: i32, y: i32| -> i32 {
    x + y

Rust infers the argument types and return type (in is_even variable). We can also write them out explicitly as we did in add_numbers. Here, |x: i32, y: i32| declares a closure with two parameters x and y, both of type i32 and -> i32 specifies that the closure returns an i32 type. Note that Rust’s type inference is quite powerful, and in many cases, we don’t need to explicitly annotate the types as we did for is_even variable.

In order to maintain syntactic coherence2, the body of the closure must be a block if a return type is specified:

let is_even = |x: u64| -> bool x % 2 == 0; // error

let is_even = |x: u64| -> bool { x % 2 == 0 }; // ok

Calling a closure uses the same syntax as calling a function:

assert_eq!(is_even(14), true);

Rust’s closures are anonymous functions

Having said that befofe, Rust’s closures are anonymous functions3 we can save in a variable or pass as arguments to other functions.

Closures vs. functions

Both closures and functions are used to define blocks of code that can be called or executed. However, there are some key differences between them:

  • Environment capture
    • Function: Functions do not capture variables from their surrounding environment or lexical scope. They rely on parameters passed to them explicitly.
    • Closure: Closures, on the other hand, can capture variables from their surrounding environment. This allows closures to “close over”4 or capture variables and use them even after the surrounding scope has finished executing. The ability to capture variables from the environment is a key feature that distinguishes closures from regular functions.

      // Function
      fn add(x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 {
          x + y
      fn main() {
          let result = add(3, 5);
          // Closure capturing a variable, x from the environment
          let x = 10;
          let closure = |y| x + y;
          let closure_result = closure(5);
  • Syntax
    • Function: Functions are declared using the fn keyword, followed by the function name, parameters, return type, and the function body.
    • Closure: Closures, on the other hand, are anonymous function.

Closures closely tied to its ownership and borrowing

Rust’s closures are closely tied to its ownership and borrowing systems. Ownership and borrowing play a crucial role in enforcing memory safety and preventing data races. The way a closure captures variables from its surrounding environment determines how it interacts with ownership and borrowing:

By Value (Move) aka move closure

If a closure captures a variable by value by means of move keyword, it takes ownership of that variable. Once a value is moved into the closure, the original variable is no longer accessible in the surrounding scope:

let s = String::from("hello");

let closure = move || {
    println!("{}", s)

// println!("{}", s1); Can't access s1 as it has moved into the clouser

By Reference (Borrowing)

If a closure captures a variable by reference, it borrows the variable. This allows the closure to read or modify the variable without taking ownership. Borrowing is indicated by the absence of the move keyword.

let s = String::from("hello");

let closure = || {
    println!("{}", s)

println!("{}", s);  // 's' is accessible since it's not moved to clouse. Instead, closuer borrowed.
println!("{}", s);  // 's' is still accessible after closure call

Rust’s motivation for closure

  • Flexibility and expressiveness
    • Closures provide a concise and expressive way to define and use functions inline.
    • Closures can be particularly useful when passing functions as arguments to other functions (aka higher-order functions).
    • Closures can be a good fit for defining short-lived, anonymous functions.
  • Encapsulation of state from its surrounding lexical scope
    • Closures allow a function to capture and encapsulate variables from its surrounding lexical scope.
    • Closures allowing for encapsulation of state within the closure.
    • Closures enable the creation of functions that carry their environment with them, preserving state between invocations.

      fn main() {
          // Counter closure that captures and preserves state
          let mut counter = || {
              let mut count = 0;
              move || {
                  count += 1;
                  println!("Count: {}", count);
          // Creating two instances of the closure
          let mut counter1 = counter();
          let mut counter2 = counter();
          // Invoking the closures
          counter1(); // Outputs: Count: 1
          counter1(); // Outputs: Count: 2
          counter2(); // Outputs: Count: 1
          counter2(); // Outputs: Count: 2

  1. Lexical scope, also known as static scope, is a property of programming languages where the scope of a variable is determined by its location or position in the source code. In other words, the visibility and accessibility of a variable are defined by the placement of the variable’s declaration within the structure of the program. In a language with lexical scope, when we define a variable inside a block or a function, that variable is accessible only within that block or function and any nested blocks or functions. 

  2. Syntactic coherence is a term to emphasize the importance of code being written in a way that is not only syntactically correct but also adheres to a consistent and understandable syntax throughout. 

  3. An anonymous function, also known as a lambda function, is a function defined without a name. Anonymous functions are a concise way to express a function without the need to declare it using a formal function name. They are frequently used as arguments to higher-order functions

  4. In the context of closures, closing over or closing over variables refers to the ability of a closure to capture and retain the values of variables from the surrounding lexical scope, even after that scope has finished executing. 


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